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Projected Image - PDI NATURE TROPHY COMPETITION on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 judged by Steve McKie
(The entry deadline was Wednesday, 21 February 2024)
Projector specification: 1600px wide; 1200px high; color space sRGB
Place Author Image Title Score Total
1 Sarah Leighton 1. Common Snout Hoverfly by Sarah Leighton 1. Common Snout Hoverfly 19  
    2. Snail-eating Fly by Sarah Leighton 2. Snail-eating Fly 18 37
1 Marriam Hughes 1 European Swallowtail Larva by Marriam Hughes 1 European Swallowtail Larva 20  
    2 Lichens by Marriam Hughes 2 Lichens 17 37
3 Deepal Senadheera Curious infant by Deepal Senadheera Curious infant 20  
    Pride Ride by Deepal Senadheera Pride Ride 16 36
3 Melanie Antoniades Old and New by Melanie Antoniades Old and New 18  
    still standing “just” by Melanie Antoniades still standing “just” 18 36
3 Raj Visrolia Framed Hermit Crab by Raj Visrolia Framed Hermit Crab 20  
    Egrett on the Prowl by Raj Visrolia Egrett on the Prowl 16 36
3 Rob Kuhner Meerkat by Rob Kuhner Meerkat 19  
    Spotted Hyena hunting at dawn by Rob Kuhner Spotted Hyena hunting at dawn 17 36
7 Mike Constable Wave jumping gulls feeding on flies by Mike Constable Wave jumping gulls feeding on flies 18  
    a family day out by Mike Constable a family day out 17 35
7 Max Pilbrow Petworth Mallard by Max Pilbrow Petworth Mallard 18  
    Water on the Bill by Max Pilbrow Water on the Bill 17 35
7 Diane Walford Finding My Thumb Triptych by Diane Walford Finding My Thumb Triptych 18  
    Pelican Portrait by Diane Walford Pelican Portrait 17 35
10 Elaine Maguire 1. Force of the nature at Clymping by Elaine Maguire 1. Force of the nature at Clymping 19  
    2. Nisyros volcanic crater by Elaine Maguire 2. Nisyros volcanic crater 14 33
10 Lindsey Green LRPS Autumn Colours, Leonardslee by Lindsey Green LRPS Autumn Colours, Leonardslee 18  
    Young Razorbills by Lindsey Green LRPS Young Razorbills 15 33

22 entries

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